We want to help you to feel beautiful and save even more when you visit VICI Beauty School for an appointment! Check out our many specials before booking your next service.

We know you have options when it comes to beauty services, and we truly appreciate that you chose to come back to VICI Beauty School time and time again. As a thank you, enjoy $5 on us for every $500 you spend at VICI Beauty School. Use it for anything! It’s on us.
In the beauty industry, word of mouth is everything, and we appreciate your recommendation and endorsement to your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors. As a thank you, we’re thrilled to offer 10% off your next service or retail purchase for your referral. Combine these discounts for each person you refer up to 40% off! Collect five referral gifts, and you’ll earn a free haircut! Thank you, we mean it.
Just because you’re a busy student with deadlines, homework , classes and exams doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to look your best. To help, we’re offering 10% off to all students with a valid college ID! After all, science says you perform your best when you feel your best, and a big part of feeling your best is looking your best. Schedule an appointment before that big exam and go out and rock it the next day! Valid at VICI Beauty School.
10% off for seniors 65+ Tuesday through Friday!
Buy 5 manicures or pedicures and get your 6th for $5 off! Buy 5 rollersets and get your 6th FREE! Ask for your punch card at checkout.